Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 5 - Unexpected Beauty

This is a familiar sight in the autumn, but one more often thinks of this as a nuisance than beauty. In autumn this isn't so much of a source of irritation as it is in winter though, but then, I'd have to say that I think it's even more beautiful when the temperature is below zero degrees Celsius. Can you guess what it is? I did  a few of these "guess what" photos in my previous challenge, so it's only fair that they creep into this one too. :)

Today has been a good day. It's been a hard week, short though it was (I was home sick for two days). I really had to struggle - this dumb cold has made my normally alert mind sluggish and numb, which makes my work as a Math teacher that much harder. But today, I've at least felt almost like myself again, and it has certainly had its bright moments. It's always nice to have a Friday one can feel pleased with before the weekend. I hope your Friday has been good too.



  1. Oh, this is beautiful and shimmery. I am probably wrong but looks like it might be dew on the windshield of a car or something. Whatever it is, wonderful shot!

  2. I was about to guess rain then saw Maggie's answer :) The diagonal lines almost look like leaf veins. A beautiful piece.

    1. Thank you, You're right, it does, didn't think about that :)

  3. Stunning! I really love it.
    From your description I was thinking 'frost' but it didn't look like it, boyfriend got it right first off.

  4. I want to steal this one for my series! Lovely shot.

  5. Lovely picture!! I had no clue what it was.... :)

  6. It looks like art glass! Very beautiful!

  7. Oh my, I would have never thought of a windshield. I had sand in the ground with water rivulets. Such nice texture you achieved here.

    1. Thanks. Not a bad guess, I can see how you got there.

  8. Woo! I guessed it! :)
    My windscreen looked particularly pretty one morning recently as well, the day after I'd take it through an auto car wash. The droplets on them were so perfect, I couldn't help smile at the sight. Something so simple, that like you said, most people wouldn't even think to appreciate in that way.
    Your photo looks cold, but still has a strange warmth to it somehow. I like it.

    1. Ah the wisdom of a frequent driver ;). Thank you :)

  9. Good textures and good for you to enjoy simple things like this.

    1. Thanks, the 20-day challenge is a good help for me to achieve that. Maybe I should try the 365 challenge ;)


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