Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 3 - Red Harvest

These are currently growing in my greenhouse. They are growing in abundance, and we have made a lot of tomato soup lately. I really enjoy them though, there's so much more flavor in tomatoes that you grow yourself than those you buy, plus, it's very cool to watch them grow too. I love it when hard work pays off.

We grow a lot of things, the greenhouse is also filled with herbs, and outside the vines are beginning to ripen, bull I'll save that shot for later. The apples are also on the way (later...) and we have squash that are larger than a newborn baby (we can't keep up with them, we have to give them away). Harvesting is certainly one of Autumn's charms.

I feel a bit better today, and I was back at work too. There was so much to do though! As a teacher, things sort of pile up on you if you are ever away. It's been a long day, but now I'm finally all caught up :). It's nice to feel that you're on top of things, I'm sort of a control freak that way haha, or well, at least when it comes to work. Now for some well needed R&R :)

Cheers, see you tomorrow



  1. Hi Natalie,
    I'm impressed that you grow your own veg and herbs. I agree vine-ripened tomatoes much better than ones that ripen while at the store. The soup must be so delicious.
    I see a circle around the top of a couple of the tomatoes. Is that because they have grown too quickly and broken out of their skin? Whatever, they still looks yummy!

    I'm glad you are feeling better and I want to sincerely thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog and leaving your kind wishes and comments. :-)
    Maggie - Eury

    1. That's exactly right - they grow "too fast" and get those funny little circles :). Nature is funny that way.

  2. Beautiful fall colors in this. I miss my tomatoes, I love fried green tomatoes and its hard to find them in the store.

    1. Yummie, I love those too. Autumn is luxurious that way - you can't find them in stores around here either.

  3. Such a nice range of colours in the tomatos. It's good to not have them all ripen at the same time. You could also cook liters of basic pasta sauce and freeze it in portions (some people use icecube shapes to freeze herbs).

    1. Good suggestions, We have already frozen a lot of the herbs. We grow 4 verities of basil (regilar, thai, lemon and a hardy kind that's easy to grow in this climate), some coriander, parsley, oregano and dill, yummie yumm :)

  4. Lovely lighting again! Great DoF... Just enough to make what ever is peeking thru disappear.

    1. Thanks, I shot this in the morning before going to work :)

  5. Ummm, it looks like good times coming! Maybe they will help make you feel better.

  6. I like the slight angle you have shot this at. I've got tomatoes growing at the moment as well (well the last of them, and they seem a bit confused about what season it actually is here - coming out of winter!), but it is exciting watching things grow! I just wish I had a bigger garden instead of my suburban cement courtyard!

    1. Thank you. I really missed that when I lived in a flat too. One year we tried growing tomatoes on our balcony, but, since we lived on the 6th floor the bees didn't make it up there. I tried pollinating them with a paint brush, but we hardly got any tomatoes anyway.


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