Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day 24 - Scarlet

Strangely, one can walk right by something every day and not realize it's beauty. I found this today, and it grew right outside my own doorstep. I've previously written it off as a hopeless case, since I couldn't find ways to shoot it without getting things I didn't want in my shot. But today, I saw this little branch that I've never noticed before, funny how things just hit you sometimes.

I hope you like it too :)



  1. Brilliant color combination. The leaves simply leap off the page.I also live how it snakes up off-center. Looks good. Nicely seen. As for my hoping to take pictures of rose hips, I went to check to take pictures yesterday, but it appears the chipmunks have absconded with most of them. :-P

    1. Aaaw, that's a pity, that's what happened to my grapes too. So, alas, there will not be a picture of the in this challenge.

  2. What an interesting plant. I've never seen anything like it and I love that color! Nice composition as well.

    1. Thank you, I think its a type of Clematis, but I don't know which one.

    2. Correction, I got my plants mixed up, I have a clematis right next to this, but this however is an Engelmannii :)

  3. It can't be a Clematis, as they are vines but it is the flowers that are big (and some are red or purple) but the leaves are quite small and don't have 5 fingers. This is some sort of creeper - In North America it resembles Virginia Creeper, Boston Ivy etc., but this would have to be a European variety. Does it produce tiny flowers in summer or berries? I see it seems to have seed pods. If I know more maybe I can help you find it.

    1. Thank you, you're totally correct, I have several crawly plants in from of my house and i mixed them up :). It's an Engelmannii (Parthenocissus quinquefolia), the "buds" are actually not buds, but the way it attaches itself to whatever it can reach.

  4. The colour of this really pops, very autumnal. It's a lovely shot, and such a pretty plant.

  5. This is one of my favourites of your challenge. I love the way it jumps off the screen, it is a stunning colour even more so against the plain background. It is funny how we don't notice things until...bang :-)

  6. This is nice. The grey background really makes the plant stand out.

  7. This is beautiful! The colours are great together!


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