Friday, September 19, 2014

Day 19 - Little Berries

There are may berries growing on the rowans this autumn, you might even say unusually many. It made me think of superstitions today, and how people try to predict the winter in different ways. Some say that if the birds eat all of the rowan's berries before new year it will be a mild winter, I've also heard that bullfinches are signs of harsh winters...

I can't say I believe any of those old sayings though, I have almost never seen a bullfinch, no matter the type of winter. As for the berries, I just enjoy looking at them, or shooting them with my camera. :)



  1. Can't help finding this to be very Xmasy, I guess it's the cloudy sky behind that gives the impression of snow. I love Xmas, but I am definitely not in a hurry. :-P

    There's a thing here called a Farmer's almanac and it has a lot of sayings like that because it was stuff they say the farmers observed and they found to be true. Many websites say that the Farmer's almanac is 80% true, but people just repeat that number as if it is a given. When they actually went back and checked how accurate they were, it was found to be about 50% - heh, so yes, I can predict that well too! :-D

    1. Haha! Funny how one's perceptions of a photo can differ. I didn't have Christmas in mind at all as I shot this. I've been thinking of shooting this for a while and it sort of just happened on my way home from work, it was late and the general setting was very "autumny", but now I can't unsee the Christmas :P

  2. A nice wintery shot which seems a tad strange since we're just coming in to spring where I live. In fact - it has a real Christmassy feel - all it needs is a robin!

    1. Thank you :). How I wish spring was coming here too. Lucky you!

  3. It does look very Christmassy (even though here that's not what Christmas looks like!). Berries of any sort are usually pretty photogenic, and these are no exception.

    1. Nature in general is very photogenic I think - the golden mean crops up all over the place, which is super cool. As a math teacher I cannot help but love the scientific side to photography :)


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